September 16, 2008

not just a birthday party

I witness some pretty emotionally depleting stuff day in and day out so I am rather intentional about finding the good that exists outside of the world I live in from 9-5. One saving grace for all the work I do with people in recovery is a friend who gives me the real deal information on addiction. She is 7 years into her recovery and it is not difficult to see the path that was laid out for her. She met her husband at a meeting and two years ago they chose to foster a child whose addicted parents could not care for her. They have a combined 27 years of sobriety and now they have a two year old. They remind me that there are successes out there in the real world and at times the system does work. They have adopted the little girl, which has given her permanancy that many children in the foster care system will never have. I had the pleasure of attending her birthday party over the weekend. I don't know who needed the other more...but all three of them are pretty lucky. And so am I, to be included in their journey. Makes me better able to "keep throwing it against the wall" because occasionally it sticks. I have much gratitude for what they continue to teach me.

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