Every Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving for at least the past 10 years, my sister and I have gotten together to make the Cranberry-Orange Relish that is the tradition of my father's family. Since my sister is now blogging too, she had asked how similar our posts would be when we blog about our together times. Well, I am writing this only 12 hours after the event and she has already beaten me to the post! Works for me. Here is the
rest of the story....
I would like to add that my father's mother died when he was 18, so carrying on the tradition is that much more meaningful as we use this to incorporate her into our lives. Also, my father's father died on Thanksgiving day (which falls on his birthday most years) so Thanksgiving is a very appropriate day to remember them both. "A big hello up there to you both".
I'm sure that they are both smiling knowing aout the relish tradition and are so pleased that all the little ones are included. I'll bet they heard the big hello!
I checked your sister's blog too,.. the pics of the kids will always be treasures for you both! What a wonderful tradition.
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