January 27, 2009

Coyote Den

Behind our house on the power pole line there is a coyote den. My father knew that the Den existed because he has seen a coyote sitting on top of it during hunting season. He was reminded of it by the kids because they followed coyote tracks all through the woods with me one day. The little guy's tracks (I am hoping he is little) would have led us right to his front door but we turned off the trail to head back home before that happened. Phew! So, on a separate trip with just my mother and father, we set out to find the opening to the den and look at it closeup.
The round indentation at the bottom of this picture shows another snowed in opening. If you look closely, you can see tracks leading to where my father is standing, which is basically right at the opening of the den. This a closup of the den entrance. As you can tell, it gets pretty narrow and takes a jog, making it difficult to see INTO the den. I was pretty nervous getting this close even though I know they are afraid of people. I was concerned about becoming a candidate for America's Funniest Home Videos, should a coyote pop out and scare the begeezus out of me. I snapped the picture quick and got the heck out of there. My mother played it safe and waited for us about 150 feet away. She wasn't sure the 6 hiking poles between us would be enough to fend off the whole pack if it came to that.

This picture shows the tracks coming out of the woods. This was a snowy day. On clear days the tracks are much more numerous. I wonder which dog has to go out and do the hunting on stormy days.....


Sarah said...

I found this quite fascinating. Thanks. In our area we are going through a bit of a tough time with coyotes trying and sometimes succeeding getting family dogs. They actually tried to get a 90 pound golden retriever.

Jennifer W said...

!!! YIKES...Look out, Shadow!

Sometimes the coyotes wake me up, yapping at night. I find the noise to be quite unearthly...

I think I would have been over with Cindy on this one. Terri told me that some coyotes "packed" a woman out walking her dog in the daytime in Danbury, CT.

Cedar ... said...

I live in the woods and have many (or what SOUNDS like many!) coyotes frequently singing around here. I have a feeling their den isn't far away from the house. There are many tracks crossing my driveway and down the hill in front of the deck. I think I'll just re-fill my coffee cup and sit here and watch those tracks through the window! Nervous-nelly here!

TourPro said...

Thanks for taking the trip and snapping the photos! I've never seen an Adirondack Coyote Den before.

I really wonder what is going on down there.