January 9, 2009

obama likes elvis

The word is out. Obama has tapped Elvis' "If I Can Dream" to play some part in the inauguration in 10 days. Quite an appropriate theme song for the optimism our (nearly) President is trying to be about. Now, interestingly my family members who you know are not big fans of Obama, are truly fanatical followers of "the king" so I have to thank our new leader for pulling out all the stops to possibly ingratiate himself to the rest of my people. If Elvis is re-entering the building on January 20th why not invite the gipper as well....

If you clicked on the fanatical followers link you will see that I didn't make it to the celebration of Elvis' 74th birthday Thursday evening. I was enjoying Enchiladas and Chile Rellenos at El Mexicano with Jen. We were overdue for dinner thanks to the holidays. Elvis will have more birthdays.


Cedar ... said...

Does it get any better than "The King? Probably not. And that is a great video and song. But,... shock! If Elvis would have been 74 then I really must be older than I feel!. I'd better check my driver's license! Oh, what the hey,.... I'll go with how I feel! :)

Allison said...

Well - Obama scored another point with me!
I think this song makes a great theme for the inauguration. If he gets into talking with the gipper he will score even more points. ha ha

chasing dreams said...

Obama ROCKS and I love his theme choice. I actually had the opportunity to be in DC next week...tried to organize a "field trip" but needed 35 people and got 28. I think if Obama had already been nominated we'd have had NO problem filling the seats. Guess I'll be watching on TV (at least I'll be warm!)