May 4, 2009

tulips are blooming

With camera in tow after Saturday's hike, I caught my mother working in her flower garden. I wish I inherited more of her flower determination. Most of what I have in my yard came either directly from her or at her suggestion. Here are some of her more common beauties...but the best of her garden is yet to come.


Cedar ... said...

there is always so much beauty in tulips. maybe because they are one of the first to bloom after a long winter! Orange isn't one of my favorite colors, but those with the yellow highlights in them are lovely.

Allison said...

The sharing of the Gardens from our families on the street is one of the best parts of planting.
I just wish it didn't cost so much money to develope a really great landscape. I do love pecking away at it though.

Nice tulip pics

Catherine Light said...

your blog is so beautiful, and thought-provoking. I work nights. Opening up your blog to be blasted with these great flower photos were the equivalent of one of your son's gaterade drinks. Ready for the long night ahead now. . . naturally. Well, as natural as virtual reality can take you, that is. Thanks for the power jolt!